Jon Cribbens chats about his apprenticeship learning experience

Coaching Professional Apprenticeships candidate Jon Cribbens talks to Ed Parsloe about his learning experience and the impact his experience has had on his organisation.

“Part of the qualification is to work with (internal) clients for your ongoing training, and already, ... at that micro-level you can really see the impacts when coaching works, which is incredibly powerful and rewarding. What we’ve recognised as an organisation of over 1,000 staff is that to make an offer to everyone would be a challenge, however, we're taking our coaching skills and experience and in part looking at a model, the ELECTRIC model by the OCM, to develop a process to replace our supervision process (which is regular meetings between a manager and a member of staff) and create a more coaching-style conversation which is much more focused on achievements, outcomes and exploring potential obstacles, so for us we see this has been a really significant shift in the way we work. What's really positive, is that the organisation has embraced this to roll out as a strategy over the next 12 to 18 months”.

Jon Cribbens

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Arrange a conversation with Ed Parsloe, Chief Executive of The OCM, to start your Apprenticeships Journey - book a call with him today HERE.