Meet our coaches

Alex Lewis

Alex Lewis

Associate Coach - Mentor

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 44 (0) 1869 338989

Alex brings a wealth of leadership experience, having worked at Board and Senior Levels in large corporates and built a management consultancy, which developed from four partners to be the winner of the 2021 Management Consultancy Award disrupting the market dominated by "the big four"

His belief is that great cultures and great business outcomes are developed through senior leaders casting the right shadow, something that is done through day-to-day habits based on positive beliefs.  These beliefs and habits are developed through coach-supported practice, not in a classroom. 

Alex has over 15 years of Coaching Experience with CEOs and Senior Leaders and has a number of case studies of the power of coaching to turnaround business performance.



Alex’s coaching style is described as practical and adaptable – practical, as it bases coaching leadership practice on real-life experience, and adaptable as it is always centred around the needs of the individual and their environment, always with the business outcome in mind. 

Alex's areas of expertise include:

  • Board level 1:1 coaching
  • High potential talent coaching
  • Role transition coaching
  • Coaching that drives culture / organisational change.

Essential to a successful transition into my new role.

Programme Director, BAE Systems

Alex helped me turn a struggling business into a successful one, based on thousands of people operating new habits.

MD, UK Steel Company