Developing a Coaching Culture Reaps Rapid Rewards
We are currently working with Sodexo, a global facilities organisation in their UK & Ireland businesses to develop their coaching capabilities to drive engagement and high performance.
Working with Sodexo
We are currently working with Sodexo, a global facilities organisation in their UK & Ireland businesses to develop their coaching capabilities to drive engagement and high performance.
The organisation, with approximately 35k employees, wanted to achieve Silver level Investors in People status; increase their levels of employee engagement; and retain the best talent. Alongside this, they wanted to create and establish a coaching culture throughout the business. This was seen as a way of demonstrating the company values of delivering quality of life to clients and employees alike.
The first steps on the journey were to work in partnership with the client to develop a comprehensive programme to develop internal coaches. We trained a pool of coaches of both senior operational & HR professionals to provide developmental coaching to middle and first-line managers, identified through the appraisal process or transitioning to a more senior role. The success of this led to the development of further in-house training in ‘coaching as a leadership style’.
The results were extremely positive: 90% of coaches agreed that “The coaching has made a positive difference” and “The coach-mentoring has directly resulted in business/organisational benefits”. Staff engagement increased by 6% and the organisation achieved its coveted IIP Silver status.
There is now an increased demand for coaching and mentoring throughout the organisation and we are currently working intensively with another cohort. The company is looking to develop and roll-out coaching and learning mentor apprenticeships in the future, as it looks to further embed its “coaching culture”.

My relationship with the OCM spans over 10 years. I value their approach and the values of the organisation, so that whenever I think of accrediting coaching training I would always want to work with them. The professionalism of the team and the can do attitude is paramount in all of my dealings with the different team members. I appreciate working closely with OCM and feel that I learn something from every interaction.
Shamim Stokes, Chartered FCIPD Head of Learning and Development UK and Ireland – HR - Transversals Sodexo