Leading through complexity by using a coaching approach

An Article by the OCM

VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) is often used to describe today’s business environment.
These constant conditions can lead to our feeling helpless and insecure. One of my coaching clients recently voiced
what many of us are feeling: “it doesn’t seem to matter what my team and I do; things are moving so quickly I always feel we’re fighting fires and never focusing on the long-term. I want to, I just never have time”.

Surprisingly, “VUCA” was first coined in 1987 – things have been VUCA for a while. It accurately describes our situation, but it doesn’t capture any solutions. It was never intended to, of course. So, in 2016 The OCM wrote an article suggesting how leaders can move forward and turn uncertainty into a competitive advantage. This is an updated version of that article.

VUCA: Visionary, Unconstrained, Considerate, Authoritative.

VUCA article