Reframing Innovation

How can coaching encourage innovation?

An article by David Tong

Innovation is a tricky topic; it both excites and intimidates. Some people are thrilled by the challenge whereas others fear it, believing that invention or creativity is beyond them.

Then there is a third group – the majority - who don’t work in innovation hubs or R&D labs but go about their work, and sometimes see ways that their job could be made easier, more efficient or done in better service of their customers. This article is written to support this third group to help them get the opportunity to contribute to improvement and innovation in their work. The question addressed is how can coaching support leaders as they seek to engage their team in this type of innovation? This will be explored in two parts, with the first covered in this article:

  • Creating an innovation mindset
  • Creating an innovation environment - part two coming soon!!!

Click below to read the full article.

THEN CLICK HERE TO FIND PART 2 - Creating an Innovation Environment.