Solutions and services

Making organisations stronger, more capable and more adaptable.

The OCM make our clients and their people stronger, more capable and more adaptable.

We partner with them to help  clarify the changes needed and create bespoke coaching and mentoring solutions to catalyse and enable sustainable change.

In doing so we help leaders to respond to complexity and change and we ensure they’re better equipped to make decisions in ambiguity. We use our expertise to help businesses adapt to evolving market landscapes, changing customer needs, and thrive in a complex and uncertain world.

Transformative 1:1 coaching relationships

We believe in your potential to thrive and succeed. Through Executive Coaching, we can support you in meeting personal goals and organisational expectations. Coaching is a powerful form of learning and development that can empower you to make the changes needed. Our diverse team of coaches combine coaching expertise, business acumen and people skills; they're dedicated individuals who understand your unique journey. Together, we're committed to making you and your organisation stronger, more resilient, and ready to embrace any challenge that comes your way.

Impactful, lasting development for teams at all levels

We know that teams are the 'engine room' of organisational performance. We can help you to maximise your teams' effectiveness, building meaningful relationships, mutual understanding and clarity about team purpose and process.

support sustainable change

Building high quality internal resources to coach and mentor your people

We are experts in designing and delivering internal coaching and mentoring programmes, to make your organisation stronger, more capable and more adaptable.

Developing essential skills for leadership

We believe that every modern leader or manager should develop coaching and mentoring skills, that they can use daily, to the benefit of individuals, teams and their wider organisation.

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Page - "Intro" field - aenean finibus eros in pretium tristique. Sed ut libero augue. Curabitur hendrerit fermentum nibh, eget lacinia orci pellentesque nec. In vel diam volutpat, condimentum massa vel, porta ipsum. Nunc a ligula id metus viverra dictum in at massa. Morbi lobortis turpis sapien, iaculis congue nibh interdum vitae. Etiam elementum facilisis finibus. Donec sed venenatis ex, ut lobortis sapien. Duis sollicitudin nibh mi, eget tempus elit sollicitudin eget. Maecenas semper enim eget massa auctor, sed interdum sem vestibulum. Phasellus tempor eleifend ipsum.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue.



Intro Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.

Strategic coach-mentoring consultancy

Make a successful organisational or cultural behavioural shift.

Organisations often struggle to achieve return on investment in the time, effort and money invested in change initiatives. This is usually because investment has focused on clarifying strategic objectives and on creating new processes and structures without giving people the capabilities and support they need to drive change forward.

Team performance and Development

Create teams that drive organisational performance.

​​​​Teams often lack time to invest in developing meaningful relationships and mutual understanding. This means that teams may under-perform or find themselves expending energy but not driving outcomes.

understand and benchmark

We can work with you to ensure your coaching investment is effective and offers the returns your organisation needs for success.

Create clarity and purpose

Build leadership that can resiliently adapt & lead change.

build agility, support change

We can help you turn coaching culture from an idea into a way of working and build an effective and sustainably agile culture.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus lacus ac lacus egestas, quis interdum ante pulvinar. Integer sit amet vestibulum risus. Pellentesque condimentum nibh in sagittis bibendum. Nunc tincidunt elit mi, id scelerisque est condimentum a. Maecenas non lorem tincidunt leo viverra sodales. Aliquam ac turpis id neque cursus porta sit amet a mi. Praesent sodales sodales augue, ac aliquam quam posuere eget. Ut ultricies eros porttitor, faucibus erat a, commodo elit. Nulla ac mollis tortor, non ornare nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ut cursus sapien. Praesent accumsan augue diam, sed rutrum dolor imperdiet et. Suspendisse sodales mi id lacus tempor, vitae varius erat venenatis. Morbi accumsan, neque a bibendum elementum, ipsum erat ornare justo, vel egestas ipsum turpis sed dui.


leadership-development subtitle

other needs

other needs subtitle

Developing coaching & mentoring skills

Use coaching skills to make change sustainable and ensure your people can deliver on strategy

​​​​All too often, organisations spend large amounts of money on coaching and mentoring without a clear understanding of the results they are looking to achieve or of how the organisation’s needs are likely to evolve over time.

New for 2024

The Learning & Skills Mentor Level 4 Apprenticeship will benefit any individual looking to develop their abilities as a mentor, team leader, coach, supervisor or manager. They must have a strong aspiration to support learners, along with a commitment to making the time to do so. They may have some pre-existing experience of informal mentoring, that can be built upon throughout the programme.

Developing coaching & mentoring skills

Coaching Professional Level 5 Apprenticeship

Develop your people, increase performance and support organisational change

Effective Coaching Strategy

How can you optimise the impact of coaching on individual, team, and organisational performance?

Sustain effective growth

Make the jump into your next growth phase